

39 abonnés


Dim67 Dim67 a commenté un mod

Low effort trash.

Dim67 Dim67 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Do i lose the progress in the original mal or it will keep it?

@KrAzYY This is a standalone mod map and doesnt replace the basegame one. You will need to start a new save on this map.

Dim67 Dim67 a commenté un mod

Thanks, will give this a try

Dim67 Dim67 a commenté un mod

Too bad it doesnt work with logs

Dim67 Dim67 a commenté un mod


Dim67 Dim67 a commenté un mod

Please submit to ModHub

Dim67 Dim67 a commenté un mod

Need to test your map for errors.

2024-12-02 06:54 Error: Can't load resource 'dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua'.

2024-12-02 06:54 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_Zielonka_Forest_Edition/data/maps/mapEU/config/footballField.xml'.
2024-12-02 06:54 Error: Running LUA method 'FootballField'.
dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua:724: attempt to index nil with 'iterate'
2024-12-02 06:54 Warning: Invalid onCreate function 'FootballField.onCreate' for entity 'footballField'

Dim67 Dim67 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Kannst du Trauben und Oliven hinzufügen? 

@Uecki Nein, denn das sind Produktionen. Dies ist nur für alle Gebäude und Schuppen etc. möglich.

Dim67 Dim67 a commenté un mod

Fuck off with this nonsense