

0 abonnés


expanse expanse a commenté un mod

i cant seem to remove the placeable spawns you put down bit of a bummer.

expanse expanse a noté un mod
expanse expanse a commenté un mod

seen someone make a bad conversion for 25, any chance you do a proper one? i do really like the truck!
happy to provide a link if needed

expanse expanse a commenté un mod

would it be possible for them to show up in the production tab so you can set distribution or is that not possible? thanks and looks good!

expanse expanse a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

kann man die farbe frei wählen?
Sieht gut aus, danke schonmal!

@DeNize danke für die ausführliche Antwort, schau ich mal.

expanse expanse a commenté un mod

kann man die farbe frei wählen?
Sieht gut aus, danke schonmal!