

6 abonnés


GRamerDim GRamerDim a répondu à un commentaire sur un Work-In-Progress

Will you do PG25 and FAP ? Nice Pack!

@Simons fuskerservice We'd love to have the biggest tanker (pg35) that samson makes 😉

GRamerDim GRamerDim a commenté un mod

it needs a flamethrower

GRamerDim GRamerDim a commenté un mod

what d6 they attach to?

GRamerDim GRamerDim a noté un mod
GRamerDim GRamerDim a commenté un mod

erhm, what the sigma !?

GRamerDim GRamerDim a répondu à un commentaire sur un Work-In-Progress

how many km² is this map giong to have?

@BroodMods the picture above should've been square

GRamerDim GRamerDim a commenté un mod

nice mod mate 0/10 stars

GRamerDim GRamerDim a commenté un mod

looks terrible, congratulations