

31 abonnés


IllGib IllGib a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

super comme mod, c'est juste dommage car les vêtements d'hivers demande plus de ressources et ce vendes moins chère.

@Deros I'll look into it. I have increased a bit the wool requirement but probably forgot to scale up price accordingly.

IllGib IllGib a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

I have 72,000 l oat in a multi-fruit silo and he sees it for me. The problem appears when I start to make the oat flour, it shows me that I have 322,000l and it doesn't decrease at all. It makes me unlimited flour. I let him continue to make me bread and he didn't use my flour either. I basically have unlimited resources

@Veneras it's a game bug they never solved from Fs22. The silos are set as extensions and mess with nearby buildings. You have to open the silo xml and modify the line isExtension"true" to "false".

IllGib IllGib a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

can you release only the brick building as a mod?

@snoky12 found it in the game ModHub, it's called Big Prefab Package

IllGib IllGib a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

can you release only the brick building as a mod?

@snoky12 it was the scandinavian building pack from Fs22, should be available in the prefabs of Giants Ed 9. I've placed the props outside.
Haven't look, but maybe it's available here aswell.