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Leando Leando a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

The folders on V 6.0 are completely wrong and it's unusable. There are duplicate folders, the paths are wrong and too long causing an error. Everything is nested multiple times leading to a confusing mess. I appreciate your efforts but this needs to be remade from scratch.

@farmlechuza Could you explain? I dont see any duplicate Folders and for me if you replace the files in the data Folder the Problem with the name being to long doesnt exist...

Leando Leando a noté un mod
Leando Leando a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Comment on peut faire pour enlever la déformation du sol x2 svp sinon super pack

@Nicolas In the install folder delete the shader folder and under maps the mapAS mapEU mapUS folders. then reinstall. uninstall - install.

Leando Leando a noté un mod