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micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

How can i unload that hay?

@Swolt If it's trucks, it doesn't work, but for the rest, you have to increase the unloading mode.

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

How can i unload that hay?

@Swolt is it working the same?

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a commenté un mod

How can i unload that hay?

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a commenté un mod

liquid manure does not work.

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a commenté un mod

Good morning, the manure extension has the same problem as the bases, it disconnects after recording.

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Impossible de jouer dessus... la maps s'arrête au bout de 50% de chargment que ce soit avec et sans mods dans le dossier mods...

problema com grafica. hj ouve uma atualizaçao em que nao funciona farming com a atualizaçao da grafica

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a commenté un mod

add manure system place, the cowsheds, both water and manure.

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a commenté un mod

add manure system place

micaelsantos23 micaelsantos23 a commenté un mod

Tractors in poor condition cannot be repaired, says it is not available