Milan 82

Milan 82

39 abonnés


Milan 82 Milan 82 a noté un mod
Milan 82 Milan 82 a commenté un mod

Ahoj , pěkný mod , jen v logu je několik varování . Ty by měli jít snadno opravit . V i3d si u exactFillRootNode nastav v rigidBody Preset na Exact Fill Root Node , takto by vlečka nefungovala spolu se zaměstancem v kombajnu , neotevřel by rouru. 2. věc, není to sice důležité ale v moddesc by měla být verze 94

Milan 82 Milan 82 a mis à jour un mod
Milan 82 Milan 82 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse Im sorry , try holding the right mouse button and moving with the mouse <- ->

Milan 82 Milan 82 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse Try holding both mouse buttons and moving with the mouse <- ->

Milan 82 Milan 82 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse OK , thats good , that its working. Also , if you have the shovel full , forward speed is only 12 km/h.

Milan 82 Milan 82 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse Well, first of all, only I work on this mod, the other two are the authors of previous versions from FS19 and FS22. For the log fork , no model is available for this machine. If you want , you could use tools from the skiddsteer technology , but i don't know if it will work. And I think that with a loaded log, the machine will lean forward.

Milan 82 Milan 82 a mis à jour un mod