mr farmer09

mr farmer09

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mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
mr farmer09

add ic controls and different radio brands in the shop if that's ok

On the cab

mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a noté un mod
mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
mr farmer09

add ic controls and different radio brands in the shop if that's ok

can you add more leds to the tractor

mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a commenté un mod

add ic controls and different radio brands in the shop if that's ok

mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a commenté un mod

I love it

mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a noté un mod
mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a commenté un Work-In-Progress

add deferent stereos to the configs on the shop menu

mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

downlaod link broken

its now working go on a defiant browser

mr farmer09 mr farmer09 a commenté un mod

can you make the stereo screen work as the radio is on in game shows the radio station