

96 abonnés


Nuggzy Nuggzy a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

I just installed this and having a problem. So I opted to just grow and sell hemp after growing in the greenhouse and put up a single greenhouse for testing profits etc and when I got on this evening I noticed I had a bunch of pallets... but they are not showing any materials... just empty pallets. Pallet info shows no product as well and only shows the following info: Mass 60 kg, Mass 0.06 t, Category Pallets.

Loaded Empty pallets onto flatbed and it shows the hemp image and says Hemp as a product, but shows 0 liters of product.

Attempted to remove empty pallets by resetting vehicle with pallets on it and got a massive long warning list in console: Warning (Physics) Static Actor Moved. (hemp_c01Tension) and listing from c01 through c08

@MOTIONMAN Sorry for taking a bit to reply. I have kind of taken a break from FS due to the very toxic nature of the modding community and most of the streamers. First, what map are you trying to use the system in? Is it a base map or modded? What problem made you decide to just sell the hemp vs using it in production? Have you tried to run it without any other mods? Are you using any other hemp/greenhouse mods?

Nuggzy Nuggzy a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

On the Hemp what does “S”, “M”, and “F” mean? Im assuming “Sativa, Medical, Fake”? lol

@ModBear slow, medium, fast. Those are the 3 different speed productions put in to allow you as close to pure sandbox capabilities as I can in the system. Some people want more realistic outputs, some just don't have time for that with limited play time.

Nuggzy Nuggzy a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

can you add chickens to it???    please

@FarmerMarks it has chickens

Nuggzy Nuggzy a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
PasTor Bz

What do you mean by shared or non-shared production?

@PasTor Bz Look at the cycles per month on a production. If it is 240 then that recipe will be done 240 times a month. On a shared production factory if you activate 2 items then that one would only do 120 times a month. Cycles per month on all items are divided by the number of active items. On a non-shared production all operate at full cycles per month no mater how many are running.

Nuggzy Nuggzy a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

lol, I am going to guess you took the hemp from the riverbend springs cannabis map. You have the same exact buggy growth cycle. You don't have to replant the field, just wait until next year and it will regrow. 1. Remove those harvested and just leave it at dead, it won't go from dead to harvested. 2. get rid of that damn invisible at the end, that just replants the field, invisible = planted.

@Pufflessly LOL, thanks. I got my problem fixed, I was behind a couple updates on courseplay. As soon as I updated to the latest version I have no errors.

Nuggzy Nuggzy a noté un mod
Nuggzy Nuggzy a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Is there a way to allow this to take an unrealistic amount of cows? My current farm im switching from field to field/barns and need something to quickly "simulate" herding them to a different pasture without taking 30 trips lol. Thank you

@Moodledoo LOL, I was actually working on color options for the boxes so I decided to play a bit. I copied the chicken nodes, scaled them down to .2 in all directions. It put 525 tiny cows in the box 🤣. So....after all, it is unreal....An update is in the works! But, that tractor is currently stuck with the back wheels up in the air. Gonna take a big tractor and probably a box on both ends to balance it out.

Nuggzy Nuggzy a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Is there a way to allow this to take an unrealistic amount of cows? My current farm im switching from field to field/barns and need something to quickly "simulate" herding them to a different pasture without taking 30 trips lol. Thank you

@Moodledoo Cows are a bit big, yes I could but they would be bigger then the box so it wouldn't look good. You could edit the xml and change one of the animal types to cows and probably make it work. As I said, it would look bad but for a quick move.... open the unrealistic XML and change         <animal type="chicken" node="chicken" numSlots="525" /> change the type to cow