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nunya nunya a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

but theres no hill?

@RIDICULOGAN1 that makes it even better.

nunya nunya a commenté un mod

Are there any flat spots anywhere on this map?

nunya nunya a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Good map, but land is too cheep. Game default is 60K per hectare, your maps is at 5K. Land is basically free. I would like to be able to sell/delete to chicken pen. Thanks for making the fences removable so I could make a few other ways out of the compound. I have found a few instances when I cut a tree and there is a second tree inside the first one.

@PKNecron you can change the price per hectare in the xml and remove the chicken pen in the xml and GE.

nunya nunya a commenté un mod

Is there permission from Ola Haldor to post?

nunya nunya a noté un mod
nunya nunya a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
Steph le Fermier

Super utile d'avoir 1000cv sur une faucheuse 🤣🤣🤣

Et le prix de base à 40km/h, ca m'a refait ma journée 😂😂😂

@Steph le Fermier

nunya nunya a commenté un mod

Any way to stop trees from reappearing from updates?  Should I just wait to play the map?

nunya nunya a noté un mod
nunya nunya a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Needs work

@FireStorm986 like what?