PasTor Bz

PasTor Bz

0 abonnés


PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a commenté un mod

Please, fix this mod.

PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a commenté un mod

Hard difficult: 1000l chips' worst price is 170€ (more o less). Selling 35k liters of chips makes more money than this mod in a production day.

PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a commenté un mod

The flashlight is nowhere to be seen.

PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a noté un mod
PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a commenté un mod

On December 4th, you published a mod with the same filename, but they are different mods.

PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
PasTor Bz

What do you mean by shared or non-shared production?


PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
PasTor Bz

What do you mean by shared or non-shared production?

@Nuggzy Ok, I thought that was no longer the case in the game's productions.

PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a commenté un mod

What do you mean by shared or non-shared production?

PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a commenté un mod

Too slow producction, little storage.😢

PasTor Bz PasTor Bz a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Great mod! The appearance does not look exaggerated. How do you calculate your shredding amount?

@Ssin 10l sugarbet>11l cut sugarbet per cycles, 1920 cycles per game-day (1920x11l=21120l per game-day)