Sandro PT

Sandro PT

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Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod


Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod

Don't works on Dedicated Server.

Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod

Too many ERRORS

Sandro PT Sandro PT a noté un mod
Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod

The Mod is already very good but it still needs 2 things. Silage additive should be added, and also the vehicle tips over very quickly when turning.

Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod

Problem with vehicles configuration. Can not read the Text for the motor configs. Expl. Valtra Medium

Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod

Not compatible with other mods, BUG on construction MENU.

Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod

Please update to 3M. 2m is to small. Thanks for the mod

Sandro PT Sandro PT a commenté un mod

Hello. Grass Bales don't work. Please update.