

21 abonnés

Beginner Modder :)


TDawg262 TDawg262 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Can we get this in FS25 too please?

EED123 already made the Lexion 600, and is in the process of making the CAT version :)

TDawg262 TDawg262 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Super ! Merci beaucoup pour ton pack. J’ai récemment vu ton commentaire sur une publication de EED123 (j’attendais la sortie de ta lexion 600). Petite suggestion : le pack de EED est super, mais il n’existe aucun cueilleur à mais qui s’adapte parfaitement à la machine (sauf le cueilleur 6 rangs de Mlody98, mais il n’est pas très large). Pourrais-tu éventuellement ajouter un cueilleur de plus grande largeur qui s’adapte aux lexions ? (un Capello 8 rang de base ou autre).

I think the Claas Corio headers should work, but I'll see what I can do :)

TDawg262 TDawg262 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
TJM Farming

Just downloaded this mod and whacked it ingame now. Have noticed some warnings come up in the log, but shouldn't be too tricky to fix:
Warning: CATERPILLAR' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead!
Error: Missing dds file 'data/shared/'
Error: Can't load resource 'data/shared/'.
Warning (C:/Users//Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CatLexion500/lexion600.xml): I3D file offers '3' objects, but '2' components have been loaded!
These only appear with the CAT version, the European Claas version doesn't appear to share these issues apart from the i3D file offers '3' objects, but '2' components have been loaded issue. 
The brand warnings should be a quick fix in the moddesc xml which I'm quite happy to do myself, however I wanted to just let you know so that players don't take one look at the Cat lexion go 'why is it LIZARD?' and end up ditching an otherwise good quality mod edit.

@TJM Farming
Crap, thanks for pointing that out! I have other mods that have the CAT branding, so it completely went over my head lol. I'll release a fix sometime next week :)

TDawg262 TDawg262 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
TM Agro Modding

It was just what I was looking for, the Claas Lexion 600, no one had made it, only the 620 and above, I am really very grateful.

@TM Agro Modding
Thanks! Again, all the credit goes to EED123, I just did a little edit :D

TDawg262 TDawg262 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Looks good! Where did you get that New Holland TJ375 from?

Aw, that's too bad :( Won't be getting FS25 for awhile...

TDawg262 TDawg262 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Looks good! Where did you get that New Holland TJ375 from?

Ah, so it will never be public?

TDawg262 TDawg262 a commenté un mod

Looks good! Where did you get that New Holland TJ375 from?

TDawg262 TDawg262 a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

I have played since FS2008, appreciate this! Would love some Interactive Controls, but understand that it involves 3d-modding which is hard.

I'm glad you like it :) Been playing since 2008 as well, and these combines are really special to me...

IC may be a possibility in the future, I just need to figure some things out...