

0 abonnés


theminimanner theminimanner a commenté un mod

Error: Mod not found

theminimanner theminimanner a commenté un Work-In-Progress

Fasza lesz :)

theminimanner theminimanner a commenté un mod

Hello... Is there no fix for this? The color icons are not good :(

theminimanner theminimanner a commenté un mod

Hi Will there be a crossplay PC/XBOX version of this? This is the only autoloader mod that works well.

theminimanner theminimanner a commenté un mod

It would be great if this could be used in FS25 too!!! We used it to display the date of sale of a lot of pallets in FS22 and now it really needs to be in FS25 too :))) With a slightly larger surface, with more character display options :))))

theminimanner theminimanner a commenté un Work-In-Progress

Hello Is anyone working on a crossplay mod that would have months and days on the boards? Similar to here, only the long boards would have months, and the round boards would have 0-9. It would be great for us with large pallet storage, when to sell what :)

theminimanner theminimanner a commenté un Work-In-Progress
