Valor Agro

Valor Agro

84 abonnés


Valor Agro Valor Agro a commenté un mod

Greetings Sir 👋🏻 hope you doing well 
Wanted to ask if the feature of collecting straw is working on this Baler? Or it's just Deco?

Valor Agro Valor Agro a commenté un mod

Swear to God I thought this picture r straight out of farming Simulator 17

Valor Agro Valor Agro a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
TFM modding

cabine voler sans autorisation les moddeur n ont plus respect envers les autres

@TFM modding the Cabin is not coming from fs22,isn't?

Valor Agro Valor Agro a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod
fs king

possible de l'avoir sur le 25 ?

@Farming simulator  no he can't, unless it's for private personal usage only

Valor Agro Valor Agro a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Thanks! Can you convert the fs15 Volkswagen t1 or t2 pritsche (pickup)?

@jao yes, perhaps

Valor Agro Valor Agro a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

what is the fertelizer spreader

@ryn Bogballe Fertilizer Spreader.

Valor Agro Valor Agro a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Hello. Downloaded it today to test it and I found one small problem. When putting pallets or other things in the back it`s floating above the floor. Probably just a small adjustment on the collision of the car. :-)

@21Modding hello 👋🏻 true not only this,but i need to add some basic features to it( tension Belt..ect)

Valor Agro Valor Agro a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Wich map is it?

@Puko_4 hello 👋🏻, it's Fehmarn Overall Reworked

Valor Agro Valor Agro a noté un mod