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whitevamp whitevamp a commenté un mod

When placing a new building, and leveling out the ground, (I tried leveling out in two different ways, but the results are the same.

1. place a building and let it flatten out/ level the ground.


2. by sculpting the ground.

If you do 1. then remove it, and then drive a vehicle over it and the vehicle will be in the air, in different places.

Or if 2. no need to sell building, so just drive over it.

Tried in 2 different locations, same results. They are F79, right behind the small blue shed between the road, and pond.(354.4, 804, 1133) 2. F69, behind the silo that is on F80.(100, 1244, 1461) (I haven't had this issue, with other maps.)

whitevamp whitevamp a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

Leider toller Reinfall. Der Autodrive-Kurs ist unbrauchbar. Läuft gegen vorplatzierte Hallen. Kurse über Felder sind als Hauptkurs und nicht als nebenstrecke definiert. Die Kurse sind auf aktueller Mapversion untauglich. Schade.

@Hinnerk agreed

whitevamp whitevamp a commenté un mod

Feature request, add in the ability to see the load area for the logs that are on the ground instead of strictly on the trailer.

whitevamp whitevamp a commenté un mod

0,o OOO it's a posh Johnny!! lol.

Great looking mod, I d/l all of them from your GitHub.

whitevamp whitevamp a commenté un mod

Bug hole in invisible wall between 98 and 100 81.3,63,1877

whitevamp whitevamp a commenté un mod

Not sure if it's a bug, or not, but I have noticed that when harvesting all lands that when you harvest in the direction of the bottom of the map (going down), that the header will bounce a lot and really slow the machine down, but if you go left/right/ or (up) towards the top this does not happen only when going down.

whitevamp whitevamp a commenté un mod

A couple of routs should be secondary use section, so that auto drive will not use these as turnaround places, IE: take Dairy Production anliefern.
and great little starting point mod.

whitevamp whitevamp a commenté un mod

Great map mod, now this error/issue will not really affect anyone unless you do what I did and use this space, so you ask what could that be well in the blank piece of land in between dairy production and the sugar mill sitting right next to the bridge, and this issue is, that the bridge guard rail is invisible, and can stop you from using about 6-10 square sections. Now I don't expect this to be addressed by the author, I just wanted to post my findings, so if anyone else decided to utilize this piece of land they will know about it.

whitevamp whitevamp a répondu à un commentaire sur un mod

sketchy download tries too put an exe file on your pc yeah no thanks do not download this

@FaolanRedEagle not seeing any *.exe file inside the archive/ or outside that I d/l.