Le Tp Dans L'Cantal 0.3.8 BETA

  • Le Tp Dans L'Cantal 0.3.8 BETA
  • Le Tp Dans L'Cantal 0.3.8 BETA
  • Le Tp Dans L'Cantal 0.3.8 BETA
Gaec du Rhône-Alpes
119 gli iscritti
25 100

Here is a new version of the map! In 0.3.8
Change Log 0.3.8:
- Redesign of the ModDesc FR / DE / EN
-New PDA
-New deposit (Again :))
-Added several sites (I did not count)
-Village 80%
-Adding a sign to the quarry
-Correction of land purchase areas
-Fixed the bug where we could not remove soil in some places
-Complete optimization of the map + New template of the map
-Added teleportation point
-Addition of a gas station to the depot
-Total overhaul of the "gasoline / sales" scripts
-Creation of the gasoline price script
-Start of mapping to the career of a future sale to sort to fold the states
-Mapping in the shop
-Addition of sale price of materials
- Redesign of some old sites

Thank you for reporting any problem, bug, improvement! Via Facebook or KingMods https://www.facebook.com/GaecDuRhoneAlpes
The map is NOT Open Sources! I am looking for serious people for the test thank you!

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