Wohlsbach by LoneWarrior (Beta)

  • Wohlsbach by LoneWarrior (Beta)
  • Wohlsbach by LoneWarrior (Beta)
  • Wohlsbach by LoneWarrior (Beta)
  • Wohlsbach by LoneWarrior (Beta)
  • Wohlsbach by LoneWarrior (Beta)
  • Wohlsbach by LoneWarrior (Beta)
27 gli iscritti
21 061

Welcome to the Wohlsbach in Upper Franconia,

First: the map is in a kind of beta, it's playable but not perfect. Until today it was a only private map, but maybe someone else has interest and fun with it. The map was created by me as a one-man-project, therefore it is difficult to make everything perfect because of the size. For private reasons I just don't have the time to finish everything, that's why I release it like this now. PS: If someone wants to work on it further, feel free to contact me.

The map is a 1:1 replica regarding terrain and fields, except for the edges. It is a large 4-fold map with 167 fields and 85 meadows. There are 5 different farms:
Farm1 and Farm2: cattle ; Farm 3 pigs ; Farm 4 horses ; Farm 5 cattle

The map has Seasons implemented (certainly not perfect either, but works) and traffic on most roads.

There are no standard vehicles or fields which are owned from the beginning, these must be bought at the beginning (if necessary just cheat money)

The rest you can see on the pictures and ingame :)

Credits (sicherlich unvollständig da nie zur Verbreitung gedacht- bitte melden was fehlt): MAP: LoneWarrior Fachwerkschuppen - modelleicher - Modhub Grosse Fachwerkscheune - modelleicher - Modhub Seasons - Realismus Modding - Modhub Forgotten Plants - LS-Modcompany Maize Texture - Nismo Fachwerk Hofpack - RitchiF - Modhub Bunker Silo Set - TopAce888 - Modhub Bauernhaus - MoosAgrar - Modhub Deutscher Hühnerstall - MoosAgrar - Modhub Platzierbare Obstbäume - GtX - Modhub Lagerscheune - Didek96 - Modhub Deutsche Scheune - Didek96 - Modhub Deutsche Verkehrsschilder - Neroxc - Modhub Bauernhaus - Karol - Modhub Modernes Bauernhaus Paket I - AFModding - Modhub Gutshaus - pAre - Modhub MW Plazierbares Hof-Pack - BernieSCS - ModdingWelt HOFSET BERGISCHES LAND - FBM Bunker Silo MA7 - MA7 - Modhub Polnische Garagen - Arionek - Modhub Schieferdach Gebäude - Cityfarmer - Modhub Alpiner Kuhstall - MefiuFs - Modhub PFERDESTALL MIT BOXEN - Tbereit - Modhoster Platzierbarer Schweinestall - Kastor - Modhoster Global Company | Platzierbares Sägewerk Pack - Kastor- Kevink98- Eribus Schokbeton Schuppen - [DMI] Beunheas - Modhub

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