Pöttinger TOP 722

  • Pöttinger TOP 722
  • Pöttinger TOP 722
  • Pöttinger TOP 722
  • Pöttinger TOP 722
  • Pöttinger TOP 722
  • Pöttinger TOP 722
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Pöttinger is expanding its range of side rakes and is presenting a new generation with the TOP 722. The new side rake also meets the high practical requirements for the best raking quality, perfect ground contour following and low forage contamination.

- Price: 40000 €
- Working speed: 18 km/h
- Required power: 75 hp
- Weight: 2870 kg
- Number of rotors: 2
- Number of tine arms: 13
- Double tines per arm: 4
- Working width: 6,60 to 7,20 m


- Better Pöttinger colors
- Ground adaptation
- Change working mode for night swaths (double swath)
- Mouse control for the extension of the rotor
- Ground wheel


- Rim color
- Color of the cylinders (main color)
- Material of the swath cloth can be changed (design color)
- Configurable weight set balls
- Fenders
- Wheels

Registro delle modifiche
Titoli di coda
  • Konstii.ls
  • Fabian/Gogobear
  • HoFFi
  • Noah1735
  • Retaurus