Oklahoma 4x

  • Oklahoma 4x
  • Oklahoma 4x
  • Oklahoma 4x
  • Oklahoma 4x
  • Oklahoma 4x
  • Oklahoma 4x
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Welcome to Oklahoma 4X. The map is based on the North-West part of Oklahoma, USA.
-Map is Seasons ready, custom Geo inbuilt with Alfalfa
-Custom lighting added
-Added Around 66 fields
-8 custom farm areas on the map with the cow, hogs, sheep, horse & chicken pens
-Custom grain silos & harvestore silos
-All farms have water and fuel triggers
-A BGA plant with 2 large underground silage pits
-13 sell points
-Feed shop for buying seeds and fertilizer
-Map has modified traffic, variable speeds with increased collision barriers
-Alfalfa crop added that re-grows multiple times per season can be baled and fed to cows
-BeanStraw and CornStalk added
-Transport missions are included
-Added Anhydrous Ammonia as a new fertilizer type
-Supports Precision Farming
-Custom crop textures
-Multi-Terrain Angle installed, using 32 angles
-Increased filltypes to support Seasons, StrawHarvest, maize plus mods
-Map is completely Error-free and just 4 small warnings that are harmless

I had spent 6 months on this map and this has been my hardest work so far. If you think I deserve some reward for my hard work, please buy me a coffee or a drink.


Any donations however small are always very much appreciated & this would be an extra motivation for me to bring better maps to FS 22. Thank you!

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