John Deere Grapple Yarder

  • John Deere Grapple Yarder
  • John Deere Grapple Yarder
  • John Deere Grapple Yarder
606 gli iscritti
12 872

This is skyline yarder with grapple to pull out logs from hard reachable areas. Just activate yarder, go outside the vehicle, attach yarder rope to some tree near the logs you want to pull out.
-you can attach rope in different height (1-10m).
-you can switch between active yarders and see their status
-you can show rope before attach it to better view direction between tree and yarder
-you can display info about yarder like distance to tree, grapple height, angle to tree etc. in 3 modes
-can be used as log loader / unloader too but allways activate yarder before operate with logs (it is heavier)
-allways deactivate yarder when transporting it (for less weight of it)

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