John Deere 7x00 7x10

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Questo work-in-progress è stato archiviato. Ciò può essere dovuto ad un lungo periodo di inattività o ad una decisione dell'autore. Non possiamo sapere se verrà aggiornato nuovamente in seguito o meno.

Tire, rims and some animations

Hi, There is some news concerning the 7000, XML quite advanced as well as all the wheels (provided as a base) are done I take into account your requests and my ideas in case of adding wheels which will necessarily be the case. However, it lacks adequate rims it may be changed and sorry but the expected surprise is ultimately not on this MaJ because it takes time and an enormous organization. Knowing that compared to what I did, this is only a visual detail. Maybe next time but if this one is added it will NECESSARILY add an error because it will change the tractor and without 2 i3d it will create errors so I will let you vote in the comments whether or not you want an error in the logs. Knowing that it is a big update.

John Deere 7x00 7x10
John Deere 7x00 7x10

Tu est toujours dessus ou tu as abandoner


vraiment magnifique c'est l'un de mes préférer et par manque de puissance je suis passé sur PS4 et je me demande si il vas sortir sur PS4 et les seul a me le dire c'est toi ^^


salut super travail.

pourra tu metre une version 7610 , 7710 et 7810 avec le moteur gonfler


Finally this 7000 appears IG, I found wheels for it (not only those on the photo there are others but I have to reconvert them). Now I will continue on the wheels as well as a little surprise at the next update if I manage to do it. I also redone some textures that were missing in particular the front linkage and the exhaust. Thanks for your feedback

John Deere 7x00 7x10
John Deere 7x00 7x10

Pourra tu mettre des estomac au roue et comment vas tu faire pour enregistrer le son du tracteur


Salut pourra tu mettre en option un relevage avant zuidberg stp


yo faudrait pouvoirs mettre les roue fine blanche