Questo work-in-progress è stato archiviato. Ciò può essere dovuto ad un lungo periodo di inattività o ad una decisione dell'autore. Non possiamo sapere se verrà aggiornato nuovamente in seguito o meno.
Hello everyone today I'm going to update you on the wip with her photo (the photos we were taken by coco thank you to him)
I created a 2nd farm body for the cows and I finished part of the fields of the map pose the cooperative and I will tackle making it functional the map takes me longer than expected after I try to do something clean here I leave you with this photo! :)
Quand est ce qu'elle sort ? Sinon merci de représenter une MAP. D'où cette région ne figure pas se genre de site. 👍👍👍
I had a big 3d problem with the other map of the couple I re created a new map with 2 cow and hen farms there are 20 fields created and 2 villages created
Est- elle inspiré d'un coin du Périgord si oui lequel sinon très belle map j'ai hâte qu'elle sorte