Questo work-in-progress è stato archiviato. Ciò può essere dovuto ad un lungo periodo di inattività o ad una decisione dell'autore. Non possiamo sapere se verrà aggiornato nuovamente in seguito o meno.
Like every Tuesday now, here is a new update about the progress of my map!
I started creating the roads and adding some fields is also some electric pole
-Then I made 1 field of grass put the fences and the foliage
-Is finally optimized map for console players is also pc
What will be done in the coming days:
- Addition of a cooperative
- Terrain modeling + addition of a concessionaire
- Addition of a river / stream
-Continue creating fields
also the map will have 50 fields at least 10 meadows 3 to 4 cooperatives is also said to me what you want me to add