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CraigMcDiarmid CraigMcDiarmid valutato un mod
CraigMcDiarmid CraigMcDiarmid ha commentato un mod

The steering wheel whislt using AI stays up when you switch between tractors, can this be fixed?

CraigMcDiarmid CraigMcDiarmid ha commentato un mod

Hi Andrey1, do you think you will be able to add a CB Radio, cool box and enable the roof to open mate? I am using this mod all the time, awesome work :)

CraigMcDiarmid CraigMcDiarmid ha commentato un mod

Nice mod, thanks. When pullling the Khinz Planter the tractor lifts at the back...needs fixing friend

CraigMcDiarmid CraigMcDiarmid ha commentato un mod

Can you get the windows and doors to open mate, it would be a download for sure if you can please

CraigMcDiarmid CraigMcDiarmid ha commentato un mod

Can you include simpe IC or mouse for windows and doors please