

0 gli iscritti


cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un work-in-progress

Damn. This looks nice

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un work-in-progress

Backup your files this time ma dude.

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha risposto a un commento su un work-in-progress

How much hp will it have? And will it have some sort of CVT, CommandArm or Autopower configuration?
I don't know this tractor in real life. So excuse me if it's an odd question.
Looks great so far though. And looking forward to using it.

Okay. Thanks for the quick answer 😄

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un work-in-progress

How much hp will it have? And will it have some sort of CVT, CommandArm or Autopower configuration?
I don't know this tractor in real life. So excuse me if it's an odd question.
Looks great so far though. And looking forward to using it.

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Does anyone know what map this is?


cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un mod

Does anyone know what map this is?

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un work-in-progress

Can't wait for this map

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un work-in-progress

Looks great. Excited for it to come out.

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un mod

Who made the tractor?

cwhandersen cwhandersen ha commentato un mod

Could you add coloring options?