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Gpw commented a mod

This nh has ic or something?

Gpw commented a mod

Wtf is this man 💀

Gpw commented a mod

Bro mods without ic are useless
It's a standard of a mod these days

Gpw commented a Work-In-Progress

Deus skoro twoja pasja z kombajnami wciąż się pojawia to może jako ostatni projekt do fs22 zrobił byś John Deera 1042? Brakuje dobrze zrobionego kombajnu John Deere. Oczywiście to tylko propozycja (mam w realu takiego więc mógłbym być źródłem)

Gpw commented a Work-In-Progress

Grzesiu ściągnęli ci nh z modhuba, podaj discorda :)

Gpw commented a Work-In-Progress

I see your cx pack and this nh is on modhub testing. After like a month :), hope we see it soon on modhub

Gpw replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

It's taking too long to release, stupid modhub

They're testing Brazilian mods with virus, good mods are last in queue 💀

Gpw commented a Work-In-Progress

It's taking too long to release, stupid modhub

Gpw commented a Work-In-Progress

This new Holland has its own sounds or like every single nh to fs22?

Gpw commented a Work-In-Progress

Which models are these???

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