One of my all time favorite tractors, and almost a perfect mod but missing a few things, we need more tyre options (ie standard size but also brands of tyre) Also Fiatagri is missing its red/brown classic colour instead of just blue paint for all models, and maybe some rear wheel weights? only then it would be 100% best mod! thanks bro
@MesocycloneModding thanks mate, i did wonder! thought i was going mad! maybe the real farm got funny using their name or something?
I Dont understand? is this litreally not just calmsden farm????
Jesus Christ.... Can you upload the map to another server?
Is insulting been downloading nowadays at 150Kbps from ModHub.
@Alexandor replace your potato internet then bro
Terrible site for download... you have to make an account JUST to download it. LAME
great mod, but could do with an update, indicators not working etc...
after i've refilled the bailer wrap, the bailer it doesn't wrap it just drops the bales on the ground?
Fantastic mod ruined by poor wheel choices? why only two brands of wheel???