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JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha commentato un mod

not same spike on picture as ingame... same as the orginal Albutt spikes ingame

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha commentato un mod

possible to change L from 50 pr can to realistic 20 or 25L?

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha risposto a un commento su un work-in-progress

do you have any timeline for when its going to release ? honetly this is the best map out for fs22, love maps with steep terrain etc so this is my number 1 🥰 and do you have any other plans for the map? bigger etc for fs25? :D

@fedebrb91 keep up the good work, im waiting 😈😎😎😎😎

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha commentato un work-in-progress

do you have any timeline for when its going to release ? honetly this is the best map out for fs22, love maps with steep terrain etc so this is my number 1 🥰 and do you have any other plans for the map? bigger etc for fs25? :D

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha commentato un work-in-progress

caaaant wait!

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha risposto a un commento su un mod

what map is that? :D

where do i find the download? :)

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha risposto a un commento su un mod

what map is that? :D


JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha commentato un mod

what map is that? :D

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha commentato un mod

cant download, file removed??

JohnDeere7530Power JohnDeere7530Power ha commentato un mod

cab camera upside down, and cant attach Gjerstad pack