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pandeqzz pandeqzz ha commentato un work-in-progress

i love this truck but can u add some ornage lights on the front?

pandeqzz pandeqzz ha risposto a un commento su un mod

can u bring this one to fs25 pls?

@Mike213  allr thanks

pandeqzz pandeqzz ha commentato un mod

can u bring this one to fs25 pls?

pandeqzz pandeqzz ha commentato un mod

is flag on top changeble?

pandeqzz pandeqzz ha commentato un mod

everytime i go off the gas it breakes immediately weird handling can u fix that?

pandeqzz pandeqzz ha commentato un mod

everytime i go off the gas it breakes immediately weird handling can u fix that?

pandeqzz pandeqzz ha commentato un mod

everytime i go off the gas it breakes immediately weird handling can u fix that?