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Patrixon Patrixon valutato un mod
Patrixon Patrixon ha commentato un work-in-progress

Is the map going to be released soon?

Patrixon Patrixon ha commentato un mod

Very good mod especially since it adds gears, one thing it lacks however is lower prices for the less powerful versions.

Patrixon Patrixon ha commentato un mod

For some reason after I download the mod, it doesn't show up in the downloaded mods menu

Patrixon Patrixon ha commentato un mod

There is a glitch with the rear 3 point lift where the logo on it keeps flickering, either while driving or being stationary

Patrixon Patrixon ha risposto a un commento su un mod

this mod is insanely good bro, idk how much of it was your work and whether this is a conversion or not but still best mod for fs25 yet in my opinion

@RazerGamingHR great, by the way i found 1 glitch, when you go into 3rd person view and turn all the way to the left or right the players hand starts glitching out and flickering, so it would be great if you could take a look

Patrixon Patrixon ha commentato un mod

this mod is insanely good bro, idk how much of it was your work and whether this is a conversion or not but still best mod for fs25 yet in my opinion