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rawswede rawswede valutato un mod
rawswede rawswede ha commentato un mod

objects and trees in the air

rawswede rawswede ha commentato un mod

 Great work but  the controls are  incorrect its impossible to run the crane

rawswede rawswede ha commentato un mod

very buggy, no sound and trees arent feeding into the machine

rawswede rawswede valutato un mod
rawswede rawswede ha commentato un mod

map wanna a requirement Sell Everything, mod is available and updated

rawswede rawswede valutato un mod
rawswede rawswede ha commentato un mod

Nothing is fixed with this update, all ground collision bugs  remains

rawswede rawswede ha commentato un mod

New Trees/logs are dancing out truck and forwarder cradle

rawswede rawswede valutato un mod