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shadow2391 shadow2391 ha commentato un mod

is there a logging version of this map?

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha commentato un mod

works perfect 4 me no lag or fps drop

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha commentato un mod

faund new problem whit batterys discharge when going to sleep

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha commentato un mod

great map :D
do the trees grow bigger or is this the max?

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha commentato un mod

i tested the new update and there is no error that i can find.
works great :D

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

works better but whit yarder battery still discharges

@MathiasHun its the ingame yarder koller k300

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha commentato un mod

works better but whit yarder battery still discharges

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha commentato un mod

is this mod comming to fs25?

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha risposto a un commento su un work-in-progress

when is this comming out?

@IIKPSII he has 450+ subs on yt

shadow2391 shadow2391 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

love the mod.
i had problems when ai workers ar activve the battery discharges same whit aoutodrive curseplay,when yarder is attached the

@MathiasHun great il test it right now :D