

204 gli iscritti


WithTheStovers WithTheStovers ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Bale purchases (hay or straw) are not showing up in the delivery location for the store, or for the location of choice if using Store Deliveries mod.

@adapt24 Hi. Please make sure you have the most recent update from my Itch.io page. I just checked and bales are spawing at JD or the delivery mod location of choice. At least on my test map that I use. let me know.

WithTheStovers WithTheStovers ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Great map for a first!
I'm currently working a 4x American map using FarmerBobs 4x, very clean log and HE WANTS people to use his blanks for creation.I don't understand the Ola issue very cool what he did pre-GE10 but come on half of it is procedurally generated. Mine should be 
out mid next month pending a few prefabs I'm waiting on.

@Corsa Awesome. Candidly I find difficulty understanding as well. I'm not really a modder by traditional standards. But I believe New Frontier was an excellent start pre GE10 and similar to No Man's Land that was fantastic by ALiEN JiM. Great start for modders to build some really great maps. Great to hear about Farmer Bob. I love his voice! I'll check out some of his blank maps next time. Happy farming.

WithTheStovers WithTheStovers ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Is there permission from Ola Haldor to post?

@nunya Hi. Thanks for posting. I've updated the mod and description with Ola's requests. As always, I encourage players, console specifically, to download New Frontier as it's a fantastic playground map to build your dream farm. Have a nice day.