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Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha commentato un mod

Co to jest XDDD nawet na zdjęciu dodanym przez CIEBIE widać jaki to ulep, że ściągasz maske i wszystko lewituje, nie dość że to wydajesz to jeszcze na takiej stronie, żeby jeszcze inne kraje widziały

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha commentato un mod

hydraulics dont work

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Great mod, and you can really see the changes that came with 1.1 version, but still the back attacher does not catch the shadows, it is easy to fix tho. After adding the front attacher the whole tractor just lays down and even weights cant help it, after attaching something to the back, that weighs more than 2t you can see the tires through the fender ( I think it is because the weight center is in the wrong place ). And it would've been really cool if you could remake the engine to look more realistic and maybe openable bonnet?

I think you forget

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Great mod, and you can really see the changes that came with 1.1 version, but still the back attacher does not catch the shadows, it is easy to fix tho. After adding the front attacher the whole tractor just lays down and even weights cant help it, after attaching something to the back, that weighs more than 2t you can see the tires through the fender ( I think it is because the weight center is in the wrong place ). And it would've been really cool if you could remake the engine to look more realistic and maybe openable bonnet?

can you send the line you've changed here???

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

the game does not see it??


Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha commentato un mod

the game does not see it??

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

zetor przerobiony w John Deere 2x00 no nieźle

a powiedz mi czym sie różni zetor od tego jd???

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Poziomowanie nie pasuje :( a z jakiego to przerobione??

The leveling (?) does not work, and he asks which mod you used as a base. Btw thank you for this mod because i've got the same frontloader irl

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Great mod, and you can really see the changes that came with 1.1 version, but still the back attacher does not catch the shadows, it is easy to fix tho. After adding the front attacher the whole tractor just lays down and even weights cant help it, after attaching something to the back, that weighs more than 2t you can see the tires through the fender ( I think it is because the weight center is in the wrong place ). And it would've been really cool if you could remake the engine to look more realistic and maybe openable bonnet?

I've meant center of mass, not weight center. Don't even know how I came up with it lol

Wojtasz112 Wojtasz112 ha commentato un mod

Great mod, and you can really see the changes that came with 1.1 version, but still the back attacher does not catch the shadows, it is easy to fix tho. After adding the front attacher the whole tractor just lays down and even weights cant help it, after attaching something to the back, that weighs more than 2t you can see the tires through the fender ( I think it is because the weight center is in the wrong place ). And it would've been really cool if you could remake the engine to look more realistic and maybe openable bonnet?