Hi, i have this warning, it's possible to fix them for having this clearly?
I have, ofc, installed FS25_unlimitedColorConfigurations..
Warning: mod "FS25_MorePaintMaterials" has empty dependency at "modDesc.dependencies.dependency(0)"
Hi Sophie, it's possible make a new Pallet Shelf or add another one without autoloading please? For stocking manually...
Hi, missing translations and have warnings about this, it's need to be fix...
Warning: No l10n file(s) found for prefix "l10n"' (e.g. 'l10nen.xml') in mod "fs25_toyotaHilux_2022"
Hi, please make also JCB Fasttrack 8330 for FS 25 🙃
Hi Taz, very nice works with all your mod for FS 25; one thing: can you insert a number history of changelog from (example) v1.0.0.0, etc please? It's more sorted by version with this little changes on modDesc :-)
@nofanaticlive22 yes, i read but it's need to add all crops from 25, otherwise it's half useless...
Hi, it's missing all crops from FS 25, this script it's for FS 22 ...