

2 gli iscritti


xTosca8x xTosca8x ha commentato un mod

Hi, i have this warning, it's possible to fix them for having this clearly?

I have, ofc, installed FS25_unlimitedColorConfigurations..

Warning: mod "FS25_MorePaintMaterials" has empty dependency at "modDesc.dependencies.dependency(0)"

xTosca8x xTosca8x ha commentato un mod

Hi Sophie, it's possible make a new Pallet Shelf or add another one without autoloading please? For stocking manually...

xTosca8x xTosca8x ha risposto a un commento su un mod

file not found, link expired .... o.O

@MashDK KAWECO PullBox 8000H from modhub it's only for 22... I search for 25..

xTosca8x xTosca8x ha commentato un mod

file not found, link expired .... o.O

xTosca8x xTosca8x ha commentato un mod

Hi, missing translations and have warnings about this, it's need to be fix...

Warning: No l10n file(s) found for prefix "l10n"' (e.g. 'l10nen.xml') in mod "fs25_toyotaHilux_2022"

xTosca8x xTosca8x valutato un mod
xTosca8x xTosca8x ha commentato un mod

Hi, please make also JCB Fasttrack 8330 for FS 25 🙃

xTosca8x xTosca8x ha commentato un mod

Hi Taz, very nice works with all your mod for FS 25; one thing: can you insert a number history of changelog from (example) v1.0.0.0, etc please? It's more sorted by version with this little changes on modDesc :-)

xTosca8x xTosca8x ha risposto a un commento su un mod

Hi, it's missing all crops from FS 25, this script it's for FS 22 ...

@nofanaticlive22 yes, i read but it's need to add all crops from 25, otherwise it's half useless...

xTosca8x xTosca8x ha commentato un mod

Hi, it's missing all crops from FS 25, this script it's for FS 22 ...