TCBO Mining Construction Economy v0.3

  • TCBO Mining Construction Economy v0.3
  • TCBO Mining Construction Economy v0.3
  • TCBO Mining Construction Economy v0.3
  • TCBO Mining Construction Economy v0.3
  • TCBO Mining Construction Economy v0.3
  • TCBO Mining Construction Economy v0.3
207 het aantal abonnees
25 915

This is version 3 of TCBO Mining Project.

Because the card receives many ideas from my card (MCE), I decide to change the name. The name results from the union of the TCBO card with my ideas on the MCE.

The reason I am working on this card is because I like the scenery on this card but unfortunately the programming is very poor and has a lot of errors. When I speak with the authors, they told me that I didn't have time to correct the errors and that they weren't going to work on the map anymore. So I decide to correct and add more stuff to create a better map than the map deserves.

I leave here my thanks to the authors (Baguette and OviixC) of the map for allowing me to work on this map and publish it.

I'm working on the work from the others, so it's hard to find out how some things are on the map, and I've added a lot of other things. So you are probably having problems. What I'm asking is if you have any problem please let me know so the next version will be better.

If you have a problem with the MAP contact Nonnus
