What kind of things does he have that he didn't have before !?
- TÜV until 12/22
- Real original tires ex works from Trelleborg
- Wheel and tire combinations from Kleber, BKT, Continental
- New rims and hubs
- New front hydraulics / Hauer FS4 28 with and without ZW
- New sound
- Sic for windows and interior functions
- 2 terminals for guidance steering
- Radio and CB radio including wobbling antennas on the
- xml and moddesc revised
- Motor data adapted to the real values (165PS / 190PS)
- Various contemporary stickers
- Stainless steel exhaust stolen from @ Bremi456's MB-Trac
- Adjusted size and position of the standard exhaust
- Moddesc version increased to 53
Edit by Herr Krupp, Butters_BTS
<!-- Originalmodell von Puma
<!-- Reifen und Felgen: Koedel
<!-- Terminals: Bremi456, [3REE]
<!-- Sound: [3REE], Lance, PeterAH
<!-- Hauer FS-4 28: AgrarDesignAustria
<!-- CB-Funk und Antenne: Kreters Island, Oldenfarm
<!-- Fahrzeugtestungen: Glorious Streamteam