Renault Master IV VSAV SDIS 26

  • Renault Master IV VSAV SDIS 26
  • Renault Master IV VSAV SDIS 26
Quarter Racc00n
114 het aantal abonnees
10 495

Here is a Renault Master IV (2019) L2H2, latest generation VSAV from SDIS26 (Drôme), equipped by Sanicar for FS17.

🟢 Modifications, reskins allowed if it stays in the private domain.
🟠 Conversions to another game, to another FS opus, or to software other than Giant prohibited without my authorization.
🟠 Free download, sale, exchange, or donation of your modifications, reskins or conversions prohibited without my authorization!
🔴 Withdrawing me credits for the mod is prohibited.
🔴 Reupload of the link to another site/server prohibited.

Do not hesitate to report any problems with me, I will be happy to correct them for a V2. Good game, and have a nice day!

PS: Don't worry, a thank you does not contain pork fat, palm oil, glucose, chemicals, or anything dangerous, in short, to consume without moderation 😉
