Dit work-in-progress is gearchiveerd. Dit kan te wijten zijn aan een lange periode van inactiviteit of aan de beslissing van de auteur. We kunnen niet weten of het later opnieuw zal worden bijgewerkt of niet.
Hello, I completely remade the cow and pig farm to bring them together on the same site, for the moment there is only the PDA (for the moment I can't do it) and all that's missing is to test the map to see if everything works and possibly add the system manure if people want.
Hello, I decided to modify the map that I already had uploaded, but I will improve it,
For now, I add:
- new culture (alfalfa, clover, ....)
- decoration (trees, river, electric poles)
- remove the pig farm and the second cow farm
I plan to redo the whole cow farm, changing the buildings and the stabu