1. Description:
- Brand: GMC
- Price: 15 000 €
- HP: 130-210
2. Configurations:
- Base color
- Design color
- Interior color
- Rim color
- Engine
- Bumpers
- Bullbar
- Bug guard
- Plates (placement)
3. Animations
- All doors
- Trunk
- Bonnet
- Interior animations (pedals, gear stick, levelers and more)
4. Others:
- Custom wear/dirt
- Tension Belts
- License Plates
1.This mod will get feature updates, might be even re-done from scratch, but for now i will wait, until scripts like addConfig and Simple IC come out.
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/agrotronmodding
If you want to support my work: https://paypal.me/Crownzilla911
1. Fixes
- Fixed wear
2. New features:
- Added animated front axle (the steering bar animation is not perfect, i will try to make it better in future updates)
- Dynamic suspension
- New set of tires and rims
- New sound (if you want to use the old sound, just delete the "sound" folder from the mod and replace it with the old one
- New colors
- New configurations (mainly lights)
- Other minor fixes and improvements