Angeliter Land

  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
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Welcome to Angeliter Land!

This is a fictional map. There are medium-sized fields. A large piece of forest for forestry work. Many productions already pre-placed. The map is helper friendly.

Errors and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

The map is designed for single player mode. Should work but so far in the MP.

Please respect my work and mention me if you spread the map here.

  • - Incorrect German license plates removed, which prevented you from purchasing vehicles in the last game update.
    - Some adjustments to the animal stables
    - BGA adjustments

  • This is the last version of the map. For me the map is ready. If there are still serious errors, I will fix them. But nothing more will be added. Thank you for the many positive feedback and have fun farming.

    - AI traffic has been reworked, it no longer stops when turning.
    - At the difficulty level "Starting from scratch" (Hard) you have nothing at the beginning
    - Larger animal stables were installed. (These can be demolished and built into the standard stables)
    - buyable areas revised (unused land can be bought)
    - Schafhof, Pferdehof got a working farmhouse (can be removed, but no new farmhouse can be placed if you already have one.
    - Sheep yard, horse yard, pig yard are now fully customizable like the main yard
    - German license plates were added
    - Removed water sounds on tile 2 and 3
    - Removed collision at Schafhof
    - PDA map updated
    - Productions slightly adjusted
    - Productions can now be bought with the associated land. In addition, you can now tear them away if they belong to you in order to build your own productions.
    - Added 10 more search objects
    - Added bread sell point
    - Added traffic signs, crash barriers
    - Made many decoration adjustments
    - Installed wind turbines now move

  • A lot has changed, many changes only become active with a new savegame.

    - Giants AI helper pathfinding improved.
    - there are now delineators
    - BGA was rebuilt a bit
    - Cattle market got a new name on the map icon.
    - Fixed bug where going to a sell point on the map would spit out an error
    - Cowshed slightly lowered
    - Modified the building for the barn a bit so that you can easily unload with any trailer
    - Removed grain from the silo, which you had at the start
    - View direction on startup has been changed.
    - Added chocolate shop.
    - Cotton point of sale has been added
    - Courtyard slightly redesigned, of course also torn off
    - Windmill at field 9 lowered
    - Fields 25 and 26 have been smoothed to a flat surface, e.g. B. Mod productions can find reasonable space
    - there are now book objects all over the map. There are 4 colors for every 10 objects
    - Some dirt roads have been revised.
    - There are very many cosmetic changes throughout the map
    - Removed stray parking lanes on field 22

  • This is the last version of the map for the time being. I recommend starting a new savegame and, if necessary, copying the corresponding xml files from the old savegame to the new one. If anything should come up unexpectedly, I will of course fix it.

    - Pizzeria added
    - Removed stones around tree in yard
    - Pressure washer revised in the yard
    - Reworked the fence at the straw trade (old fence had no colli)
    - Access path to the straw trade/cattle market slightly widened
    - PDA map updated.

  • The Giants AI helper is supported.

  • – Main courtyard can be completely designed by yourself (easyShed hall made sellable. Light poles, decorative objects revised .. Hedge and stones made removable, stones can be lifted away by hand)
    – Agricultural import / export write error fixed
    – BGA price adjusted
    – A lot of cosmetic adjustments
    – One start tractor away

  • Onkel
  • Onkel2000