Claas JAGUAR Type 493 North America

  • Claas JAGUAR Type 493 North America
  • Claas JAGUAR Type 493 North America
  • Claas JAGUAR Type 493 North America
Skywalker Farms
85 het aantal abonnees
20 901

The JAGUAR Type 493 was unveiled in 2001 by Claas as a revolutionary new range of forage harvesters.
A significant power milestone has been reached with 605 hp under the hood of the JAGUAR 900.
Even the smallest model in the family delivered an impressive 321 hp.
The proven basic structure and visual design have been carried over essentially unchanged from the previous family.
In 2003 Claas introduced its fastest choppers to date, with the 24 mph Speedstars.
The legendary GREEN EYE, launched on the market in 2006, delivered an astonishing 623 hp,
as well as many innovations for even more efficiency and comfort of use.

This mod is very simple in details and design, but so was the real machine.
Included in this mod are the Claas JAGUAR machine itself, plus an edited Kemper 360.
The only basic corn picker that supports this machine is the 6-row Kemper 345, and in real life,
the Type 493 JAGUAR could handle an 8 row Kemper 360 so I included an edition of the Kemper 360
which requires a more modest power requirement.

Characteristics :

JAGUAR 830 - 321cv
JAGUAR 850 - 389cv
JAGUAR 870 - 438cv
JAGUAR 890 - 503cv
JAGUAR 900 - 605hp (623hp with Green Eye)
