
  • DrentseVaart
  • DrentseVaart
  • DrentseVaart
  • DrentseVaart
  • DrentseVaart
  • DrentseVaart
17 het aantal abonnees
63 548

Welcome to Drensevaart!

This is a fictional map based of the Dutch landscape.
We have a small village and an industry terrain with alot of Factory's.

- 217 Small and medium size fields
- Grass contracts
- Custom license plates
- Custom crop growth
- Start farm with equipment
- Small pig farm
- Big cow farm
- 1 Buildable area

Don't forget to install the required mods!

Suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Join the discord! https://discord.gg/2EnXSzga

  • New save game advised!

    What has changed:

    - Farm next to field 209 now a Pig farm
    - Trees have changed
    - Resolved issues
    - Water is now functional
    - Water reflection now normal
    - All animal pens are now functional and sellable
    - Added trees next to industry
    - Fields are no longer flooded
    - Removed collision from hedge on main farm

  • New save game advised!

    What has changed:

    - Now able to place objects and decorations
    - Added selling stations
    - Fixed errors
    - Added more buildings
    - Fixed shop icon in wrong position
    - Fixed animal dealer icon in wrong spot
    - Added shop sell and repaint point
    - Added more pre-built farms
    - New preview picture
    - Added more required mods
    - Added sleep trigger at main farm
    - Added placeable sleep trigger
    - Fixed holes on main farm
    - Added new bridges
    - Added more detail next to roads
