HOT logistics center "Hirschfeld"

  • HOT logistics center "Hirschfeld"
  • HOT logistics center "Hirschfeld"
  • HOT logistics center "Hirschfeld"
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The HoT Logistics Center "Hirschfeld":

If you want to build a full logistics center on your map, you now have the option to do so.
All doors are animated and buildings are accessible.
Interesting for MP, SP and especially for roleplaying, as there are many possible combinations.

An opinion:
To place everything you need a large area.
This should be leveled beforehand in the build menu so that the input heights match.
But you can also use it to recreate individual logistics companies very well and place the buildings all over the map.

You can get more information in the video.

Package contents:
Truck hallTransshipment warehouseBulk goods hallPallet warehouseBale storage hallAll-in-one warehouseSilos-towersTank depot for liquidsWorkshopGas stationTruck washEntry control with sliding doorBoundary wallFlag poleIndividual sliding door
All buildings are placeable and can be found in the construction menu.

Sharing the mod is of course allowed, but please use the original link.
Sharing the mod is allowed, but please use the original link.

  • New version overall improvements and bug fixes

  • HoT online Team
  • Mario Hirschfeld
  • HIP Team