District of Rostock

  • District of Rostock
  • District of Rostock
  • District of Rostock
  • District of Rostock
  • District of Rostock
  • District of Rostock
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The FS22 district of Rostock is a German 4x map around the town of Kröpelin in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Card Details:
– There are 63 fields, the size is usually large to very large.
– There are 5 farms and 2 fully built fattening farms.
– There are up to 5 points of sale.
– There are no multi-cultures in large cultures.
- There are some standard productions on the map (changed look, standard function).
- There are two BGAs on the map in the respective fattening farms.
– Stables are installed on farms and fattening farms.
- The map offers a very large forest area to the north which is divided into sectors.
-- Ground angle increased to 32
-- The productions are fixed at 10 compartments in flow and capacity

- no problem detected.

Card Size:
- 756.5 MB

Review by CornHub:
The LS22 district of Rostock is a nice German 4x map with its large fields,
The mast farms and the large forest area could be just the thing for XXL lovers.
The map textures look great so far and the functions also work at first sight without any noticeable issues.
The log is clean and generates no errors.

  • MadMaxxDE
  • [BG] Lahmi
  • [MM] Aykarn