Hello here is the map: Un_Petit_Coin_De_Belgique with
-38 field
- production: beer bread and etc.
- the new animals are from: Farmer Andy and Blacksheep Modding for the buildings.
-2 farm
I but online because I stopped the game for 3 me good game!
!!! new save required!!!!
add: straw and water to the chicken.
changed: wall and house texture.
add: houses in the villages.
add: a new shop.
new: i3d for bakery and carrefour.
news: i3d for beer.
add: spline.
add: water to the beer.
adds: production of UHT milk.
add: dark and blond beer.
add: cut beets can be given to animals cow pig and sheep.
add: i3D tomatoes to greenhouse palette.
add: i3D milling cutter to greenhouse palette.
add: a new Lidl outlets.
adds: spline to Lidl.
adds: storage for goat and cow milk.
adds: a 2nd cheese dairy.
adds: markerIcons modifies texture.
adds: new wheat barley and rapeseed foliage texture.
added: add script CutBales.lua bullets can be cut in bulk.
- added a 3rd Farm for chickens.
- added Pasture for calves.
- fixes etc.
-moving greenhouses.
- storage for goat's milk.
- added honey.