Production Info

  • Production Info
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Here is the FS22 version of known Info Hud productions on FS19.

Since the FS19 version was built on Global Company's dialogues and methods, it had to be completely rebuilt.

The current version has the following non-customizable properties:
Display of active productions and stables with their remaining time per raw material. Including animal stables for food, water and straw. Revamp Mix also displays as such. A production is only displayed if... it has less than 2 months of fill time left and less than 50% fill level. (Except for Revamp Mix inputs, as they are ignored) The production line is also enabled. The display is sorted by time remaining, which runs empty first or is empty on top. Productions that are full are always on top. Complete stables can be disabled in the options and the number of productions displayed can be adjusted.
Sales aid
If the sale price trigger is installed, it displays if the price is good and there are sellable products. The following applies: a sale price must be set in the sale price trigger and this must be exceeded. The quantity entered in the parameters must be available in a warehouse or production facility (not barn). The display indicates what can be recovered. where and sold to where.

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