Peugeot Expert

  • Peugeot Expert
  • Peugeot Expert
  • Peugeot Expert
  • Peugeot Expert
Black Wolf
12 het aantal abonnees
21 375

Hello everyone !
Here is a modification of the Peugeot Expert from PSPMFS.
I modified it so that it can be used as the main vehicle on your farm. Ideal for PR.

This is my first mod edit so if this one isn't perfect, I apologize in advance.

UPDATE OF 03/13/2023:

I see that since the publication of the mod, I received a lot of comments accusing me of thief. So I replied to some of these comments explaining myself as follows:
I didn't steal anyone's mod, since I credited the so-called original author everywhere, in this case TFSGroup. Also, rather than accusing someone, just come and notify them that the modified mod is stolen… Moreover, the only version I found of this Expert on FS22 is the one uploaded by TFS, so if this last one stole the initial mod, I'm not supposed to guess. Also, despite having done some research afterwards, this mod was an FS19 mod, converted by I don't know who. (

In conclusion, the credit I gave to TFS has been removed on my part, to credit instead the real authors of this Peugeot Expert. Finally, I still want to apologize to the original authors, I should have deepened my research to avoid these inconveniences.

Good game to all 😁!
