Bourgault XR770 Harrow

  • Bourgault XR770 Harrow
  • Bourgault XR770 Harrow
AT Farms
4 het aantal abonnees
8 365

This is a simple edit of the XR770 from GIANTS to make it function more like a harrow would in real life, managing straw and crop residue instead of a weeder.

The new setup lives in the Mulcher section, and functions just as a mulcher does in-game. There are separate versions for the 70 and 90 foot options due to some issues I had with the particle effects fighting each other for the different widths.

I have also added a version that acts like a shallow cultivator. This setup lives in the Disc Harrow section. If you run through stubble, it will create stubble tillage. If you first run a plow, or deep cultivator over your stubble, and then run the XR770, it will create a seedbed.

Working width: 21.3-27.4 Meters

HP Requirement: 350

From Bourgault's website:

eXtend Your Harrowing Capability
With the Bourgault XR™ Series Harrows, you have the ability to:

eXtend the breadth of field finishes achievable with the same implement;
eXtend the range of field conditions that you can harrow in and still accomplish great results;
With the ability to be effective in tougher conditions, eXtend your working hours to get more acres covered!
